La Batcueva - the cold, dark abyss of human soul
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Wednesday, July 30, 2003
Look here, deep inside my eyes
scan me for some changes
believe you'll see my true self
coming out of this dusty shell
searching for a bright spot to stare at
believe you'll see me reaching
for the memories I have never known
as I keep lying to myself

you'll get caught in the crossfire
leaving behind you a red trail -
a path drawn with your warm blood
painting my heart once black
as I stare from afar
your life being drained by these very eyes
these same eyes that used to believe
they could do any good

so please, don't come any closer
'cause I don't want to feel bad
for feeling nothing at all

Saturday, July 26, 2003
faz tempo que eu nao posto nessa merda de blog... talvez porque eu nao tenha nada pra dizer! E também não mexi no template, que já deveria estar pronto. Encheu o saco.

Pelo menos agora tenho HD suficiente pra poder escrever um .txt sem precisar apagar outro.

e será que é possível estar entediado sem estar entediado? Quer dizer... não sinto os sintomas do tédio, mas parece que estou entediado. Será que o tédio é tão grande que obscurece os sintomas?

cala a boca, cyx.

Sunday, July 20, 2003
found this one in a forum. Seems perfect for all the mailing lists I read!

Wednesday, July 16, 2003
parece que, na maioria dos casos, a manga acaba sendo menor que o braço.
ou mais larga que a outra manga - o que eu acho ainda pior, pois é extremamente irritante perceber que um punho é mais apertado que o outro.

porque diabos vim até aqui pra falar de manga? não faço a menor idéia. Mas acho que passa se eu tomar Kuat.

Sunday, July 13, 2003
according to Human For Sale, I am worth $2,089,270.00. I wouldn't waste a penny on me, though.

Thursday, July 10, 2003
e eu adoro amendoim japonês. Mendorato com Kuat é uma ótima pedida!

e eu odeio Marisa Monte e aquele grupinho dela.

Wednesday, July 09, 2003
eu odeio o Windows - é muito CRETINO, ESTUPIDO E IDIOTA

ele nao deixa fazer uma coisa simples como escolher os IPs da rede interna - a que ele usa pra Internet Connection Sharing

pior é que se voce tem uma rede interna e vai conectar a uma VPN por exemplo, VAI CONFLITAR - porque o VPN também vai usar o maldito 192.168.0.x

em linux seria tão dificil quanto editar um arquivo de texto

no, really. É só editar o arquivo de texto...

Monday, July 07, 2003
Ok, inseri o link pro putsputs, blog do gilnei, e dei uma mudada na ordem dos links - já que o Alex e o Dag (fags) não postam mais.

happy hunting!

okay, I am making a new template for La Batcueva. Got sick of the old one, you see.
well, it's not yet ready - I plan to make a cool flash title for the page. But I dunno, I kinda like this one. And I have to get rid of this layer I created... I thought I'd need it - and now it is blocking the blog*spot banner.

besides, the history is not updating... let's see what's wrong there.

besides, I don't know why Mozilla insists in doing this 3d-like effect on the tables. Gotta get rid of that.

update: as you can probably see if you're using a Mozilla-based browser, now it renders the borders without the 3D effect. I just changed the 'border="1"' for a style thingie. Looks good now. But anyway, what do you care?

Sunday, July 06, 2003
Everytime I see a crappy movie I feel like this. My head aches, my eyes burn. An annoying, endless nausea. Or did I watch the damn movie cause I was feeling like this in the first place?

Well anyway... don't bother watching Dark City. It's pure, plain crap. Makes me go nuts. Crap.

I'll stash this one very close to The Cube and 13th Floor. All crap.

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

You know, sometimes I wonder what it's like to be an ass. Being able to do things you can't do if you aren't one, like farting and shooting crap. 'Cause that's what asses do, right? And there is the income... One would be able to make a lot of money as an ass by working on beer advertisements, for example. However, the world would surely stink if we were all asses. No kidding, really. Besides, what good is an ass without the 'addons'?

pff... next time I decide to post crap like this, I swear I'll just fart instead. Better for everyone!

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

What is it? What is it that makes us breath, feel, speak and listen? What is it that drives our most deepest passions and fears? Why do we keep running away from it, why do we crave it this badly? Why does it strike us so swiftly? Makes me wonder whether I can even sense it. Reality. Such tangible a word with such intangible meaning. Then again, maybe intangible is a word that better describes my poor reasoning. Is it too strange to look into the past and just be able to mumble a heartless "...what?"? Is it much too helpless to look into the future and confusedly ask the same "...what???"? Maybe there are no such things. Past, future, present... Reality, for that matter.

Is there meaning in mourning your own demise? Is there logic in fighting your own fate? Last time I checked, I didn't care.

Reality. When is it? Could it be what we leave behind? The shadows, the trails of our victories and mistakes? Those images that keep looping inside our heads, printed in our memory? Tell me, Master, is THIS reality? This image, this impression inside my mind right now? Probably not, I know. But again, I know I was blind that night. Can I see clearer when I am blind, stripped of my second sight? Yes, but no. No, I am probably just hallucinating right now.


I am fine. Just a little overwhelmed.