La Batcueva - the cold, dark abyss of human soul
 - June 2002
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Monday, September 30, 2002
episcopal: v.i. fenômeno paranormal muito raro, onde o membro sexual masculino toma aspecto auto-luminescente. Retratado frequentemente em alguns desenhos japoneses. Pau-de-fogo, naba flamejante.

(fonte: Pequeno Dicionário Morcegaelis da Língua Portuguesa)

Thursday, September 26, 2002

You're the lego Native!
Ug-a-wug! You're the lego native! You're wild and adventurous, and just a little bit insane. You know how to have a good time, and uh, you really like meat.

Take the "What Lego character are you?" test! by ctbx

I'm kneeling on the floor
staring at the wall
like the spider in the window
I wish that I could speak
Is there fantasy in refuge?
God in politicians?
Should I turn on my religion?
These demons in my head tell me to

I'm lying here in bed
Swear my skin is inside out
Just another Sunday morning

Seen my diary on the newsstand
Seems we've lost the truth to quicksand
It's a shame no one is praying
'Cause these voices in my head
keep saying...

'Love, just don't stare.'
'Reveal the Word when you're supposed to'
Withdrawn and introverted
Infectiously perverted
'Being laughed at and confused
keeps us pleasantly amused
enough to stay.'

Monday, September 23, 2002
Pikachu e o Maquinista (CYX)

"Ô loco", disse o maquinista
ao olhar o poste de madeira
que ficava beirando a pista
na esquina com a ladeira

cuidadoso ele sempre foi
ao conduzir a maria-fumaça
mas chegou a atropelar um boi
quando estava cheio de cachaça

Ele me lembra do patins
que era usado por Ronavaldir
da cor de sua calça jeans
todos morriam de rir

Um Pikachu vinha passando
e o maquinista se assustou
o trem estava andando
e o freio ele puxou

tarde demais felizmente era
e o Pikachu se espatifou
depois de uma longa espera
ao poste ele se juntou

A alegria foi tamanha
que o maquinista deu uma festa
para comemorar essa façanha
todos com bolo na testa

o Pikachu virou paçoca
e o poste ficou manchado
mas o mundo se provoca
a criar tal atentado

e todos viveram felizes
como gazelas a galopar
alegres como perdizes
para sempre a cantar

Wednesday, September 18, 2002
automatizar: v.t. atirar tomates contra algo ou alguém; desaprovar, repudiar.

(fonte: Pequeno Dicionário Morcegaelis da Língua Portuguesa)

Monday, September 16, 2002
cadeira: s.f. pessoa que utiliza ou tem habilidade para utilizar CAD, engenheira.

(fonte: Pequeno Dicionário Morcegaelis da Língua Portuguesa)

Saturday, September 14, 2002
boom boom boom boom
shoot you like a bomber
boom boom boom boom
as you are now
boom boom boom boom
pushing all the buttons

Friday, September 13, 2002
if I don't make it through the weekend...

I'd like to thank all of my friends for all the support through the years. I'd be nobody without you. Without the image of me each one of you keeps inside yourselves. You defined me as something I wanted to be. ...for that, I can't thank you enough. There's no way to pay that back, so I hereby tell you that I owe you. A lot. Dag, Alex, Cesão, Gabs, Alb, Ace... thank you.

...Noelia... te conhecer me trouxe uma nova perspectiva do que as coisas podem ser. Do que elas devem ser. Em 15 dias você se tornou uma das pessoas mais importantes pra mim e, embora eu saiba que não sou digno de sua amizade, a considero muito. Faria qualquer coisa por você.
...queria poder te dizer tudo o que penso, que sinto... mas você não vai me ouvir. ...e acho que nao levaria a nada. Então...
Obrigado. Por tudo...

Paula... Acho que não tenho muito mais a te dizer. tentei... mas acabei desistindo de ficar por perto. De repente, as coisas meio que perderam a importância... Tudo sempre dependeu mais de você do que de mim. E você parecia estar muito certa do que queria. Certa demais.
será que o eterno amor que eu sentia por você morreu? ...bem... se voce estiver lendo isso, provavelmente é tarde pra responder essa pergunta.

Maria Amelia... a bright star. What can I say? ...I never know what to say to you.

para todos os outros que estiveram comigo através da luz e das sombras... meu obrigado. Para os aliados, meus agradecimentos envergonhados. Para meus rivais, minhas reverências... ainda não saberemos quem venceu e quem perdeu, quem estava certo e quem estava errado. No final, foram apenas pedras e pedras, delimitando o caminho para chegarmos onde estamos agora. Valeu pela jornada...

estou relutante em postar isso... posso criar um alarme que pode se mostrar desnecessário.
mas vou postar.
post & publish

...the doubt. the uncertainty. the feeling of change.
this feeling of change
this fear of change

...yet... I fear not to.
I fear not to change.
to stagnate.
to become a heartless mass of living flesh
of undead flesh

I stare at her nickname
try not to click
remember the cold, hard replies
...what's inside her mind?
...what's inside mine?

...I no longer know.
and it seems I no longer care.
maybe all those sweet dreams were just not meant for me.
...maybe my cruel reality is the absolute truth.
for me.
For me?
well... for me, all that is left is a heartless life.
my dearest dream...
now my unchangeable fate.

mm links added to both Alex's blogs...

Thursday, September 12, 2002
Será que se eu mudar meu template imitando o do mytho eu vou conseguir mais comments?

...acho que não... é a velha história do conteúdo

talvez se eu começar a postar fotos de mulé pelada?


Dag, acho que aquele nosso projeto vai ser reativado.... *grin*

"you may be right
it's all a waste of time
I guess it's just a chance I'm prepared to take
a danger I'm prepared to face
cut to the chase

what kind of difference can one person make?
cut to the chase"

...que coisa monótona... ontem foi 11 de setembro: nenhuma queda de avião, nenhum desastre catastrófico...

amanhã é sexta-feira 13. Ainda podemos nos redimir

Wednesday, September 11, 2002
...ontem, conversando com uma grande amiga, cheguei a uma boa definição pra mim... alias, um update de definição. Entao vou postar a definição original e o update.

Definição original:
Leo = um gênio retardado

um gênio(retardado) sem conteúdo


finalmente estou de volta à ativa... e, como prometi, vou começar colocando fotos das minhas mais novas amigas fiéis... hehehe

minhas 3 katanas

outra visão, mais detalhada

minha short-sword chinesa

não são uma gracinha? ...e todas tem a lâmina de aço, afiadas... não é brinquedo!

...realmente, esse post está extremamente superficial... to esperando algumas coisas acontecerem pra escrever algo que realmente preste.


September 03, 2002

Wishing on a dream that seems far off
Hoping it will come today.

Into the starlit night,
Foolish dreamers turn their gaze,
Waiting on a shooting star.

But, what if that star is not to come?
Will their dreams fade to nothing?
When the horizon darkens most,
We all need to believe there is hope.

Is an angel watching closely over me?
Can there be a guiding light I've yet to see?
I know my heart should guide me, but,
There's a hole within my soul.

What will fill this emptiness inside of me?
Am I to be satisfied without knowing?

I wish, then, for a chance to see,
Now all I need,

Is my star to come...

september the 5th, 3:03 (GMT+2)

this, I swear, will be my last english post in this row. For I am now in the plane flying back to Sao Paulo. It's always good to return home... even though this time it has a somewhat bitter taste to it. The ending of this film, it seems, is that the hero barely manages to stay alive, kinda loses the battle and on top of it all doesn't get the girl. ...well, those of you who know me know that I am quite used to this ending. Only the plot changes... slightly.

Anyway, I can't go back to what I was before. This changed everything once again, and I still haven't decided what to do with myself... for a change. Best part is that I will be back on my own territory... back to Professor, back to my boring life. ...somehow It's kinda comforting though. I know that life... I've been down that road. I know where it leads. ...and quite frankly, I don't wanna be there. Yet it seems that I have no choice.

The bottom line, as far as I can see right now, is that devotion brings nothing. Maybe I should just follow all the advices I get and turn into a regular jerk. ...but we all know I won't be able to do so... I don't have the guts to do so. I'm just an old-fashioned, foolish and wimpy dreamer. What are ideals good for when they bring you nothing but that old painful emptiness?

let me stick with it then.

September 03, 2002

sometimes I am glad I can't take my own life.

but right now any reason would be a reason for me to put myself in lethal danger.

why? ...I don't know

Monday, September 02, 2002
this sunday I joined a LPM (landless people movement) manifestation... a 10km walk through Jo'Burg, tiring as hell... at least I had good company, and the day turned out to be pretty fine. I finally got to see the real Africa... the Africa outside Sandton. I will try to get some nice pictures of both places and show you all what I am talking about. It's really a frightening difference.

yesterday I went to a flea market with Noelia. We roamed around all afternoon, and I ended up buying 4 swords: 3 Katanas and 1 chinese short sword. I took pictures of those, but forgot to close the disc (DUH!), so I will upload them as soon as the video crew from chile arrives here (they are with the mavica).

many adventures... first I drink alchool, then I get myself in a march, then I buy swords... what's next? ...mmmm... ...maybe my time is coming at last

Here I am once again... drifting through thoughts and feelings of confusion, sadness, solitude and passion. Drifting through conflicting concepts of love. Drifting through my own selfish, although altruistic self.

The time to go back to my real life is near. ...but will it ever be the same? ...I certainly hope not. I certainly hope that the bonds I made here do last forever. ...I certainly hope I am worthy a new life, a new world. And let havoc wreck my destiny, my past. Let a new future unfold before my eyes.

I sworn loyalty to her and to her cause. ...and I hope I don't spoil that again. ...cause I did once.

...I don't want my life any longer. Not the life I knew for the last 8 months. Not the life of uncertainty and waiting I was living. I met something better. I know now that I didn't had to change... that I could be myself all along.

and that there's a time and place for everything.

...What will happen to my former dreams, to my former ideals? ...that I cannot tell. Not now. And I really don't give a damn.

and let there be darkness